Do You Need A Power Assist Device

Do You Need A Power Assist Device

Power assist device is an option that can allow manual wheelchair users who are no longer functional with propulsion to remain in their manual wheelchairs rather than changing the whole wheelchair to a powered wheelchair

If you have the physical limitations or functional limitations listed below, you may consider of adding a power assist device to your wheelchair. 

Physical limitations:

  • Limited strength/weakness of the upper extremities
  • Pain in upper extremities
  • Limitations to range of motion of the upper extremity joints
  • Decreased endurance
  • Fatigue
  • Fluctuations in muscle tone/spasticity
  • Risk of skin and tissue breakdown or history of skin/tissue breakdown (might be a result of shear/friction related to strained propulsion or poor positioning during propulsion)
  • High risk of upper extremity overuse injury
  • Has a history of repetitive strain injury (rotator cuff, carpal tunnel syndrome)
  • Has postural deformities/postural instability, and these are worsened through strain of propulsion

Functional limitations:

  • Unable to self-propel a manual wheelchair for a full day and perform Activities of Daily Living tasks
  • Has difficulties or is unable to cross a street in a safe time
  • Unable to transport items within home and outside of home and propel at the same time
  • Unable to manage inclines, uneven terrain, thresholds within the home or changes in flooring

Is power assist device right for you? Take this quiz to find out.

  1. Have you been using an ultralightweight manual wheelchair for more than a year?
    ✔ Yes   ✖ No
  2. Do you experience any upper limb pain or dysfunction?
    ✔ Yes   ✖ No
  3. Do you want to do more each day, but feel an urge to transfer out of your chair sooner than you want?
    ✔ Yes   ✖ No
  4. Have you experienced fatigue with manual wheelchair mobility?
    ✔ Yes   ✖ No
  5. Do you experience changes in oxygen saturation with increased physical activity?
    ✔ Yes   ✖ No
  6. Do you require more than a manual wheelchair for independent mobility but do not wish to pursue a power wheelchair?
    ✔ Yes   ✖ No

If most of your answers are YES, you may consider of getting a power assist device.

If you need some advices or help, feel free to contact our team at 📞 +65 6254 4070, we are happy to assist you. 

Related Posts:

What is Wheelchair Power Assist Device?

Permobil - Justifying a Power Assist Device

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